
The Effect of COVID-19 on the African Remittances Market – Francine Dove’s Interview

Remittances Covid 19 Pandemic Interview
Francine Dove

Project Manager at DMA Global, Francine Dove, was recently interviewed by Global Voice Group (GVG) about how the African remittances market is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Francine, who was one of the lead researchers on the recently published RGF and SECO funded KPMG study on Ghana’s remittance market, also provided her insights about the new challenges that come about due to the pandemic and what sees in store for the future of the African remittances market. 

Francine spoke to Global Voice Group about the following topics:

  • What the COVID-19 pandemic has mean for remittances in Africa
  • The prospects for a post-Covid scenario
  • The main challenges for achieving this prospect
  • What measures are already being taken on the Continent to strengthen transparency, efficiency and compliance with the regulations in the remittance sector
  • What room, if any, there was for improvements in terms of the capabilities to monitor and analyse high transaction volumes
  • Area for technological improvements 

Francine’s full interview can be found here
